Aug 30, 2014

C's First Day of School

Where has my little baby gone? Caden's first day back was yesterday and I had a few spare seconds to snap this picture before rushing out the door. It makes me sad to see how tall he grew in a course of a year and just how much OLDER he looks. It's true what they say. Babies don't keep! So when people give me shocked looks when I tell them we still cosleep, I just don't care anymore because pretty soon, he's going to be leaving his mama!

He only goes twice a week, but he just loves going to school so much. You'd never know it because without fail every Monday and Friday morning, he just refuses to wake up and just wants to sleep in. Any other day, he's up at 7:30 on the dot. Sigh.

Now if I could only get him to actually eat the lunch I pack....

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