Nov 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Someone educate me on the history of Halloween. Whoever thought it was a good idea to give little kids candy for free is EVIL. Sugar high is the real deal.
I've never been a fan and it probably stems from the fact that my parents being paranoid Asians, never let me go because they thought all the candy would be poisoned...but even as an adult, I never once dressed up with my friends in hooker costumes aka lingerie. It all just seems like so much work! But alas, on Thursday Husband and I took off work a little early to take Caden trick or treating for the first time. Of course, my love/hate relationship with Pinterest was in full effect and instead of just grabbing a $15 costume at Target, I decided to take on the role as semi-Super Mom and make one. It ended up costing $20 for the material, but I think it turned out pretty dang cute!
Poor Caden was so confused at first when we came to the first door like a deer in headlights. He had such a confused face like "mom, who are these people, are we going in??". After a few houses, he was a professional Trick or Treater!
Prince Charming or Mommy's Little Dictator?
Prince Charming or Mommy's Little Dictator?
Halloween 2013 010
My monster last year! Doesn't he look like a little baby!?
Monster and Daddy
Monster and Daddy
And with Halloween now over, it is OFFICIALLY my favorite time of year bc Thanksgiving is around the corner!!! How the heck is it already November 1st? Time surely flies when you're old.
And of course, my little man's birthday is 2 weeks away. We're going with a firetruck theme this year and am super excited to share the details!

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