Feb 8, 2012

Forget Me Not

Today was hard.

I just had a feeling the second week would be worse than the first. From the moment I woke up, I rushed and hurried to get to work. Rushed so that I could possibly leave a little earlier, to fight the traffic back home - to hurry back home to my baby.

I was thrilled to see that he was awake - yes! no time wasted for hugs and kisses! - so I scooped him up from G-ma's arms. And then it happens. The brows furrow. The tears well up. The bottom lip quivers. And then the wail that breaks my heart. He doesn't realize it's his mama. I'm like a stranger he doesn't recognize. The same thing happened the day before and I chalked it up to gas. But two days in a row? MY BABY IS FORGETTING WHO I AM! Of course I bribe him with milk and eventually win him over, but still. so sad.

Everyone tells me it gets easier - but when does that actually start? Because to me, it's getting harder and harder every morning to say goodbye. And now it's becoming equally hard to come home.  :(

it's not you mama. it's my new haircut i'm not feelin'. 

1 comment :

  1. Oh I remember these days - I know that I only went back part-time for about six months, but I can remember the days when I had to leave him and it was so hard. But it does get easier, I can promise that. Some days will be hard, but slowly you will all start to form a new routine and I promise that it WILL get easier! Hang in there!
