Jan 16, 2013

Caden Turns 1

I think I started planning C's first birthday before he was even born...is that considered part of nesting? I knew I wanted to do a basketball themed bash because husband is a nut about it and everyone who knows him has probably heard him say that he "could've been the first Asian NBA all star" if he'd tried. LOL

After the many hours of hotglue gun burns and paper cuts for all the handmade decorations and w/ my mom pouring all her love into making the food, I think our efforts showed and it was the perfect day for our family and friends to celebrate our little man. Great spread, perfect weather, and amazing company was all I wanted for Caden's big day.

And yes, I've already started thinking about his 2nd birthday.


Jan 8, 2013


It's already 2013? So much for my 2012 resolution to write more. I guess somewhere between June 21st with my last post and Jan 7th, I lost my resolve and life happened anyway. And while I'm sure I took plenty of pictures (my picture-whoring paparazzi days will never die), it isn't the same. As I am re-reading some of my older posts, I'm instantly taken back to that very emotion that I was feeling at that time. It's amazing how much difference a year's time can make.

My husband is still alive and kicking. I managed not to murder him during my crazy bouts of hormonal rage and my son is just about the most perfect thing in this world. Yes, he's still a terrible sleeper, but I know one of these nights, he'll amaze me and sleep 12 hours straight and then I'll really have the most perfect baby ever. I just KNOW it. If I say it enough times, it'll happen right?

In the years that my husband and I have been together, we've had one "big" event every year. Getting engaged, buying a house, getting hitched, getting pregnant and having a baby -- all the major life events have been bam, bam, bam - and it's been a wonderful, amazing, crazy ride. What's in store for 2013? I'm not so sure. We're in a weird place where things can change at a drop of a hat. A baby in tow definitely is a game changer in decision making and is all sorts of tricky, but I'm thankful for the best husband who supports pretty much all my impetuous and yes, at times, irrational behavior by letting me kick, scream, and cry it all out before being the voice of reason.

So what are my 2013 resolutions? I think this past year I've focused so much on being a great mommy, I've neglected being a great wife. I need to work on nurturing that great relationship we had before Caden came along. I think I also need to give myself a little love too. We are our own biggest critics and I know I put myself last way too often. This is something I want to teach Caden - that at the end of the day - we must be able to find our own happiness and value. It's not dependent on anyone else or what other's say.

I'm excited to see what's in store for me, for my little family. If 2012 was any indication, I think 2013 will be a good year.